Volume 9 Issue 2
May  2024
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Article Contents
Ryen M. Frazier, Keren A. Vivas, Ivana Azuaje, Ramon Vera, Alonzo Pifano, Naycari Forfora, Hasan Jameel, Ericka Ford, Joel J. Pawlak, Richard Venditti, Ronalds Gonzalez. Beyond cotton and polyester: An evaluation of emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the future of fashion industry[J]. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 2024, 9(2): 130-159. doi: 10.1016/j.jobab.2024.01.001
Citation: Ryen M. Frazier, Keren A. Vivas, Ivana Azuaje, Ramon Vera, Alonzo Pifano, Naycari Forfora, Hasan Jameel, Ericka Ford, Joel J. Pawlak, Richard Venditti, Ronalds Gonzalez. Beyond cotton and polyester: An evaluation of emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the future of fashion industry[J]. Journal of Bioresources and Bioproducts, 2024, 9(2): 130-159. doi: 10.1016/j.jobab.2024.01.001

Beyond cotton and polyester: An evaluation of emerging feedstocks and conversion methods for the future of fashion industry

doi: 10.1016/j.jobab.2024.01.001

The author would like to thank Funding: This research was supported by the USDA National Needs Fellowship Program, Grant 12513354, project NCZ09489, “Developing Expertise in Risk Analysis and Risk Management for the Bioeconomy”.

  • Publish Date: 2024-01-04
  • As the global population grows, the demand for textiles is increasing rapidly. However, this puts immense pressure on manufacturers to produce more fiber. While synthetic fibers can be produced cheaply, they have a negative impact on the environment. On the other hand, fibers from wool, sisal, fique, wood pulp (viscose), and man-made cellulose fibers (MMCFs) from cotton cannot alone meet the growing fiber demand without major stresses on land, water, and existing markets using these materials. With a greater emphasis on transparency and circular economy practices, there is a need to consider natural non-wood alternative sources for MMCFs to supplement other fiber types. However, introducing new feedstocks with different compositions may require different biomass conversion methods. Therefore, based on existing work, this review addresses the technical feasibility of various alternative feedstocks for conversion to textile-grade fibers. First, alternative feedstocks are introduced, and then conventional (dissolving pulp) and emerging (fibrillated cellulose and recycled material) conversion technologies are evaluated to help select the most suitable and promising processes for these emerging alternative sources of cellulose. It is important to note that for alternative feedstocks to be adopted on a meaningful scale, high biomass availability and proximity of conversion facilities are critical factors. In North America, soybean, wheat, rice, sorghum, and sugarcane residues are widely available and most suitable for conventional conversion through various dissolving pulp production methods (pre-hydrolysis kraft, acid sulfite, soda, SO2-ethanol-water, and potassium hydroxide) or by emerging cellulose fibrillation methods. While dissolving pulp conversion is well-established, fibrillated cellulose methods could be beneficial from cost, efficiency, and environmental perspectives. Thus, the authors strongly encourage more work in this growing research area. However, conducting thorough cost and sustainability assessments is important to determine the best feedstock and technology combinations.


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